Home News We have applied for the Interreg Central Europe programme

We have applied for the Interreg Central Europe programme

Publikováno: 21. March 2022

Together with representatives of the cities of Stuttgart, Ostrava, Berlin, Turin, Warsaw, colleagues from Charles and Silesian Universities and the Metropolitan Research Institute in Budapest, we submitted on 23rd February an application to the Interreg Central Europe call with the project Strengthening Metropolitan Cooperation and Governance in Central Europe. The intention of the project is to identify the best tools, procedures and good practice examples for strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in Central Europe and to apply them in metropolitan areas towards strengthening integrated metropolitan strategic and spatial development.  At the same time, the project should develop the activities that are currently underway in the framework of the ITI and lead to the further development of cooperation in the Brno Metropolitan Area.

The project is designed to transfer knowledge/tools/approaches and examples of good practice to the other partner cities and to reflect on these examples. The intensive cooperation between the partner cities, research institutes and international networks should ultimately lead to improved governance and a stronger functioning of metropolitan areas. At the same time, individual officials in the field of metropolitan cooperation should cooperate and be trained in the use of these tools and best practices etc. At the same time, the City of Brno wants to share all the results of the project with other cities that have expressed interest and thus confirm its role as a leader in metropolitan cooperation in the Czech Republic.

Brno has the opportunity to be a leading partner in a project of this scale and importance for the first time. Keep your fingers crossed. ???? If successful, the project should start in 2023 and last 36 months.

More information about the Interreg Central Europe programme can be found here.

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Department of ITI Management and Metropolitan Cooperation

Brno City Municipality
Husova 12, 601 67 Brno
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