Home Projects Transport Cycle paths in Šlapanice and Pozořice areas

Cycle paths in Šlapanice and Pozořice areas

11 km has a network of cycle paths
95 CZK millions of subsidies through ITI tool
10 villages are connected by constructed cycle paths

Cyclists are increasingly moving away from busy roads and away from cars. There are more and more cycle paths designed just for them. A dense network of cycle paths is also being created to the south-east and east of Brno in the Šlapanicko and Pozořicko areas.

Cycling is one of the most popular recreational and leisure activities in the Brno Metropolitan Area. It is also a useful alternative to car transport when travelling to work or school or for services, especially during rush hours. Pedalling saves nerves, which are strained by drivers in a hurry behind the wheel, and produces far fewer emissions than car transport.

For these reasons, cyclists deserve their own infrastructure, as the roads are not always safe for them. In heavy traffic, they can get run over by cars – either through their own fault or because of an inattentive motor vehicle driver. Yet there are still not enough safe cycle lanes. Many cyclists in Brno and its surroundings use the two backbone routes along the Svitava and Svratka rivers, but if they want to go elsewhere, they often encounter a missing traffic network.

A whole network of cycle paths has been created in the Šlapanice region. One of them, the construction of which began in July 2019 and ended in 2020, connects the villages of Telnice, Sokolnice, Kobylnice, Ponětovice and Šlapanice with the Brno city district of Slatina and the Černovická terasa industrial zone. In 2021, the construction of trails between Jiříkovice and Blažovice and between Kobylnice and Prací started. This network of cycle paths has a total length of 11 kilometres. In 2022, the first stage of the construction of cycle paths from Brno eastwards to Pozořice began. After the completion of the first three-kilometre section, cyclists will have a more comfortable ride from the Brno district of Líšeň through Podolí and Velatice to Tvarožná. The construction of cycling routes in Šlapanice and Pozořice areas has cost CZK 109.5 million so far, of which CZK 95 million was subsidised through the ITI tool.

The construction of cycle paths will continue in the following years. In the programming period 2021-2027, the voluntary association of municipalities Šlapanicko continues the work already started near Pozořice. The second stage will run from Tvarožná through Sivice and Pozořice to Kovalovice, and the third stage from Velatice to Mokrá-Horákov. The association is also preparing a cycle path from Střelice via Troubsko and Ostopovice to Starý Lískovec. All the planned projects will cost CZK 108 million, of which CZK 77 million are subsidies.

A complete map of the cycle paths built so far can be found here: https://mapy.cz/s/mupakabeha 

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