Home News The implementation of Integrated Strategy

The implementation of Integrated Strategy

Publikováno: 20. February 2019

The Integrated Strategy for Development of the Brno Metropolitan Area for the Application of the ITI tool, through which cooperation between Brno and its natural hinterland is being developed, has been enforced since December 2015. The strategy and its implementation operates effectively, the first major projects that will improve life of inhabitants of the Brno Metropolitan Area were completed . You can see specific projects in the interactive map app available here.

The meeting of the ITI Steering Committee, which assesses the compliance of individual projects with the strategy, has already taken place eleven times. During these meetings, the representatives of the City of Brno, the South Moravian Region and the five municipalities discussed more than 120 projects within almost 50 ITI calls.

5.4 billion CZK was negotiated for the Brno Metropolitan Area. This amount was increased by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic (100 million CZK to flood protection measures) and by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic (280 million CZK for completion of tram lines).

In the attached graph you can see the current overview of the financial allocation (as of January 31, 2019) for the Brno Metropolitan Area.

The Department of ITI Management and Metropolitan Cooperation is currently working on updating the strategy (schedule, territorial delimitation, involvement of working groups, etc.) to be launched in spring 2020. We will include concrete projects that really need to be created, regardless of the sources of their funding in the strategy. The list of strategic projects will be used as a basis for negotiations with individual ministries on the amount of financial allocation for the Integrated Strategy.

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Department of ITI Management and Metropolitan Cooperation

Brno City Municipality
Husova 12, 601 67 Brno
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