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We are partners

The Brno Metropolitan Area is a member of two important European networks – the METREX and EUROCITIES. Experts from the Department are active in the network and thus present the agenda of metropolitan cooperation towards metropolitan areas and regions abroad. The Brno Metropolitan Area is also regularly involved in international and research projects that take metropolitan issues further.

The METREX network

The Brno Metropolitan Area, as the leader of metropolitan cooperation in the Czech Republic, is the only Czech representative in the prestigious European METREX network. The Network of European metropolitan regions and areas focuses on the exchange of scientific information, expertise and experience in the field of spatial planning and development at the level of metropolitan regions and promotes the transfer of knowledge between experts from all over Europe and different levels of government. BMA is also part of several working groups of the network.

The EUROCITIES network

EUROCITIES is a network of large European cities over 250 000 inhabitants. It currently has more than 140 members, representing a significant voice of citizens from 39 European countries. It has the task of representing the interests of cities with EU institutions and national governments. The Brno Metropolitan Area is part of a working group on metropolitan areas. Since 2022, it has even been chairing this working group.

International and Research projects

We develop the Brno Metropolitan Area through participation in various projects aimed at strengthening metropolitan cooperation. Sharing knowledge and experience or searching for new possibilities to develop metropolitan cooperation and its management are the main objectives of the individual international or research projects. The projects involve many partners from cities, metropolitan areas or the research and academic sector. We are currently leading one such project – the MECOG-CE project.

We improve BMA

We fund metropolitan projects and integrated solutions which have metropolitan impact and develop the Brno Metropolitan Area. Several successful projects can be found below.

Succesfull projects

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Contact details

Department of ITI Management and Metropolitan Cooperation

Brno City Municipality
Husova 12, 601 67 Brno
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