Home Projects Transport Tram line to Brno Campus

Tram line to Brno Campus

921 metres of the new line
619 metres of tunnel
1.16 CZK billion of subsidies through ITI tool

The Bohunice campus attracts 40,000 passengers a day. These are students of Masaryk University, patients of the University Hospital Brno or employees of scientific institutions and office park. Until 2022, they were regularly crowded into full buses and trolleybuses. And all of them were eagerly awaiting the relief of the congested traffic, which was already at the edge of bearability.

The solution was brought by the tramway project, which simplified, accelerated and streamlined transport. A direct tram connection to the city centre without complicated transfers and wasted time in traffic jams reduces the journey to the main station to a quarter of an hour. Buses and trolleybuses heading to Bohunice and Starý Lískovec are no longer so full and the tram makes transport more comfortable for disabled people who do not have to make complicated transfers. Thanks to the fact that a large part of the line runs through a 619-metre-long tunnel at a depth of up to nine metres, people from the surrounding houses are not bothered by the constant noise that the arriving tram makes.

The tram line in Brno was last extended in 2008 towards the Technology Park in Královo Pole. However, this investment was not equal in size and cost to the project of extending the line to the campus. The construction of the new line to Bohunice, 912 metres long, was approved by the Steering Committee of the Brno Metropolitan Area in May 2018. The subsidy through ITI tool amounted to CZK 1.16 billion. The foundation stone was laid in October 2019, and the first passengers rode the line three years later.

The project has a significant impact not only on Brno, but also on its hinterland and therefore on the entire metropolitan area. Regional bus lines end their route at the new terminal near the campus, and passengers from the surrounding communities can immediately transfer to the tram. The buses do not enter the congested city centre, which improves the reliability of the service, as regional bus drivers do not have to spend their time in traffic jams with passengers.

The neighbouring site in Bohunice is also to be developed. A gynaecological and obstetric clinic of the University Hospital is planned to be built, which will merge the previously separate departments. There is currently nothing interesting to see after getting off at the Západní brána stop, but in the future more than a thousand new flats will fill the empty and undeveloped site. And the university campus is also expanding, which will include the MUNI BioPharma Hub for students of the Masaryk University Faculty of Pharmacy and researchers from other related fields.

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