Home News The City Assembly approved the Development Strategy of the Brno Metropolitan Area 21+

The City Assembly approved the Development Strategy of the Brno Metropolitan Area 21+

Publikováno: 23. May 2022

At its May meeting, the councillors approved the Integrated Development Strategy for the Brno Metropolitan Area 2021+. The Brno Metropolitan Area has started to develop the Integrated Development Strategy BMO 2021+ since mid-2019. The comprehensive development Strategy focuses on projects not only financed through ITI instrument. 

The Brno Metropolitan Area (BMA) now includes a total of 184 municipalities with a population of approximately 700,000. The area is an organic functional unit comprising the city of Brno and its natural hinterland. The area is defined on the basis of intensive daily links (commuting, accessibility). Currently, there is no legislative framework regulating the management of the metropolitan area, so the coordination of activities in the territory is based on the partnership principle and thorough communication between the City of Brno and the surrounding municipalities.

Since 2014, the European Union has given large metropolises and municipalities in their hinterland the opportunity to use funding from the ITI instrument, the so-called Integrated Territorial Investment tool. Applicants from BMAs can thus obtain funding for their projects through the ITI instrument and at the same time use funds from several sources to solve one problem. The effects of the implementation of these projects are then multiplied. In the years 2014-2020, approximately 6 billion CZK was allocated for BMA and over 120 projects in Brno and its hinterland were supported, for example, the project to extend the tram line to the Kampus, the transfer terminal in Židlochovice or the transport solution in the Trnitá district consisting of the Plotní tram line project, the reconstruction of the Zvonařka bus station and the replacement of steam pipelines with hot water pipelines in the area,” said Mayor Markéta Vaňková.

Compared to the previous period, the allocation for the Brno Metropolitan Area is about 7 billion (one billion more). The first calls for projects should be announced at the end of this year.

The ITI instrument for metropolitan areas and agglomerations has proven its worth and is therefore continuing in the new programming period 2021-2027. The Brno Metropolitan Area has proceeded since mid-2019 under the leadership of the City of Brno to elaborate the Integrated Development Strategy BMA 2021+, which has now been approved by the councillors. Compared to the previous strategy, the projects are linked to multiple funding source options, not just ITIs. The document now focuses exclusively on supporting strategic themes with a metropolitan dimension, in which cooperation of several municipalities is required. Approximately 7 billion CZK is available for the implementation of integrated solutions, which will make it possible to create important projects in Brno and its hinterland – e.g. the extension of the Merhautova-Lesná tram line, the revitalisation of Holásce Lakes, and further expansion of cycle paths in Šlapanice. The time horizon chosen here is 2030, so the emphasis is on the advanced stage of project preparation,” said Deputy Minister Tomáš Koláčný.

In order for the Strategy 21+ to be evaluated and approved at the national level, it must first be approved by the BMA Steering Committee and the Brno City Council, which has now been done. During the implementation period, the Strategy will be able to be updated both in terms of content and financial aspects.

The final strategy approved by the council can be found under this link including appendixes (only in Czech).

All outputs and other information related to the development of the Strategy were continuously published here (only in Czech).

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Department of ITI Management and Metropolitan Cooperation

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