Home News The Brno Metropolitan Area participates in Sustainable rebuilding of Ukrainian Cities

The Brno Metropolitan Area participates in Sustainable rebuilding of Ukrainian Cities

Publikováno: 20. April 2023

We are currently participating in the Eurocities project which aims to build capacity and mobilise local partnerships for a sustainable reconstruction of Ukrainian cities. Together with 35 other European cities, we will support 10 Ukrainian cities in their sustainable rebuilding. This project launched in October 2022 as a key initiative of implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding recently signed between Eurocities and Ukrainian partners. The aim is to gather Eurocities members’ knowledge and technical expertise and match it with the needs of Ukrainian cities.

This project has three strategic goals which are:

  • mobilise expertise through city-to-city peer-learning and capacity building to assist Ukrainian cities in rebuilding better and to promote a sustainable and inclusive urban reconstruction,

  • consolidate knowledge, prepare, and disseminate tools and methodologies to assist Ukrainian cities in initiating sustainable reconstruction projects, including identification of EU funding opportunities, direct financial assistance, and private sector investments,

  • build a community of practice and strengthen sustainability partnerships between EU and Ukrainian cities, ensuring coherence with similar projects and wider reconstruction plans.
As an output of this project will be reconstruction toolkits in English and in Ukrainian, which will capture knowledge, tools, and methodologies across these thematic areas: liveable and inclusive public spaces, green skills, sustainable mobility, clean energy and energy efficiency, waste management and circular economy.

The Brno Metropolitan Area will contribute to this project by providing expertise in strategic planning to Ukrainian cities. The first planned activity in this area was a workshop on Integrated Urban Planning and Metropolitan Area Development which took place at the end of March 2023. The other workshops on other themes will take place this year once a month.

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Department of ITI Management and Metropolitan Cooperation

Brno City Municipality
Husova 12, 601 67 Brno
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