Home News TAIEX – Exchange of ITI Management experience with representatives of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance

TAIEX - Exchange of ITI Management experience with representatives of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance

Publikováno: 5. April 2019

Representatives of the Managing Authority of the Regional Development Programs of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance visited Brno in April 2019. The two-day visit took place under the European Commission’s tool called TAIEX (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange). The aim of the visit was to gain experience on the functioning of the ITI territorial tool and its implementation in the Brno Metropolitan Area. At the same time the representatives were given an insight into this issue from the point of view of the national level and the city of Olomouc with the participation of a representative from the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic and the representant Olomouc Agglomeration. The program also included an excursion to the municipality of Moravany as an example of uncontrolled suburbanization in the Brno Metropolitan Area. The completion of their two-day visit was conluded by the audience at the Mayor of Brno.

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Department of ITI Management and Metropolitan Cooperation

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