Home Projects Social affairs Hospice of St. Elizabeth

Hospice of St. Elizabeth

2 projects part of an integrated solution
23 new beds for residential relief services
63 CZK million of subsidies through ITI tool

Integrated solutions do not always mean building something completely new, but also supporting what has been working for years. This is the case, for example, with the project to improve the quality of health and social services at the Hospice of St. Elisabeth in Brno, where terminally ill patients and their loved ones receive help.

In the case of Hospice of St. Elisabeth, the integrated solution brings together two projects that would otherwise have been created separately or even not at all. The first, an infrastructure project, had two parts, namely the reconstruction of the north wing of St. Elisabeth’s Monastery and the extension of the corner, which provides suitable conditions for the development of the hospice’s social services. The north wing of the monastery had not been used for many years, but after the reconstruction, space was created for 23 beds for the residential relief service, which significantly increased the capacity of the hospice. The second project was of a non-investment nature and focused on improving social services to ensure the best possible assistance to terminally ill patients and their loved ones.

With the help of the ITI tool, the entire integrated solution was supported by subsidies from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme of the Ministry for Regional Development (investment part) and the Operational Programme Employment of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (non-investment part).

The Hospice of St. Elizabeth is based on the idea of respect for the human being and tries to provide the conditions for a dignified and valuable life until the last moments. In its premises it provides inpatient hospice and counselling for patients and people who care for the sick. It also provides a home hospice service, through which palliative care is provided to patients at the end of life in their home environment. Similarly, the relief service provides people with reduced independence with help with everyday tasks such as hygiene, dressing, eating and independent movement.

Since the number of people in the oldest age group will increase in the metropolitan area in the future, it is necessary to think now about providing sufficient social care and increasing the capacity of palliative care facilities, as the Hospice of St. Elisabeth has done thanks to its integrated solution.

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Department of ITI Management and Metropolitan Cooperation

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Husova 12, 601 67 Brno
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