Home Projects Environment Holásecká Lakes

Holásecká Lakes

9 lakes form the local area
1987 year of declaration of the natural monument
157 CZK million of subsidies through ITI tool

Brno is famous for its historical monuments and rich cultural heritage, but it also has its natural gems. One of them are the Holásecká Lakes, which are located in the Brno-Tuřany district and are a popular recreational spot not only for Brno residents, but also for visitors from abroad. However, in order to preserve their unique environment and to protect nature, the lakes are in need of revitalisation. The aim is to strengthen the ecological and social significance of the area.

The Holásecká Lakes have their origins in the ancient history of sand mining. After the end of the mining, water areas were gradually created here, which became a refuge for the local fauna and flora. Since 1987, the lakes and the surrounding area have been protected as a natural monument, mainly due to the presence of dozens of species of protected plants and amphibians, bird nesting sites and also serve as a refuge for wildlife. The Holásecká Lakes are also considered one of the most valuable sites in Brno in terms of the diversity of bird communities that live there. In this respect, they are even the most important site in the whole of Brno. However, due to the poor condition of the water and the neglected surroundings, the number of animals is decreasing and the lakes are in danger of losing their status as a natural monument. It is therefore necessary to revitalise the lakes and restore the disturbed balance so that nature protection takes precedence over other interests.

The aim of the revitalisation is not only to create a new place for relaxation for the inhabitants of Brno and its surroundings, but also to ensure the right living conditions for the local fauna and flora. Improved water quality, landscaped shores, new forest paths and natural bathing are all planned by the City of Brno for new visitors. The first stage of the revitalisation will focus on the removal of silt and sediment in a total of nine lakes. Subsequently, the shores and vegetation will be modified and access to the water will be improved. Cleaning the lakes and their surroundings of silt and litter will also improve water quality. This will achieve the main outcome of the revitalisation, namely the return of the lakes to their original habitat function.

The preservation of the natural oasis for future generations also plays an important role in the project. The revitalisation will also preserve the recreational use of the area, for example for walks along the lakeshore. Recreational elements will be created for visitors and public furniture will be added to make the stay in the area more pleasant. This will include a nature trail, information and interactive panels, viewing platforms, benches and landscaped entrances to the water. Not only that, but Lake Opleta will also be suitable for swimming. The Holásecká Lakes have also long served as a popular location for local fishermen, but this has led to the gradual degradation of the lakes due to overstocking of fish. Therefore, the project foresees a ban on fishing and restocking in all lakes, except for the aforementioned Opleta.

The costs associated with the revitalization are preliminarily estimated at CZK 350 million and are part of the integrated solution of the same name. The subsidy from the ITI tool will amount to CZK 157 million. The revitalisation itself should start in 2025 with the de-watering and treatment of the lakes.

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