Day care centres are a key element of modern care for the elderly and people with disabilities. They provide not only specialist care, but also a space for social interaction, active leisure and relief for caring family members who can devote themselves to work or other responsibilities during the day. With the help of the Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) instrument, we supported the construction of two day care centres – in Šlapanice and Kuřim.
In Šlapanice, a new day care centre was opened in the autumn of 2024, providing social services to seniors over 65 and people over 40 with a mild form of Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia. The day-care centre was created by the partial reconstruction of a nursing home. The result is a modern environment with work and rest areas for clients, a dining room, social facilities and offices for staff. The facility has modern furniture and technology for comfortable and efficient operation. The day care centre has significantly expanded the range of social services that were previously lacking in the town of Šlapanice and the entire administrative district. It provides a safe environment for clients for daily activities and social interaction, which helps to maintain their mental and physical condition.
The project in Kuřim has a broader scope and includes an extension and addition to the building on Nádražní Street, where the Senior Club is already located. This modern building will serve not only as a day care centre, but also as a facility for field social services and social rehabilitation. The building will be barrier-free and equipped with photovoltaics.
The new premises will be located on two new floors. The second floor will provide modern facilities for a day care centre where clients will be able to engage in activation programmes, relax or pursue their own interests. The third floor will offer facilities for care and outreach services, including offices and storage space. This project is based on the long-term community plan of the City of Kuřim and responds to the growing demand for social services throughout the region. The day care centre is scheduled for completion in June 2027.
Day care centres in Šlapanice and Kuřim not only offer or will offer comfortable and pleasant facilities for the elderly and people with health limitations, but also open the door to a better life – full of activities, community and well-being. Both supported projects contribute to ensuring that caring for the needy is not just a worry, but above all a joy for everyone involved.
Both projects are largely supported by subsidies from the ITI instrument, worth CZK 41 million in total.
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